Weight Management
Eating Matters - Eating Disorders Counselling Service
Eating Matters is a Norfolk charity offering counselling for people with mild to moderate eating disorders in the community.
Telephone: 01603 767 062
Website: www.eatingmatters.org.uk
Great Yarmouth Green Gym
By taking part in outdoor practical nature conservation activities you can increase your fitness and energy levels and help improve your health and well-being. You can meet new people, learn new skills and help make a positive contribution to your local area.
Website: www.greatyarmouthgreengym.org.uk
Weight Watchers
Meetings, Online or a little bit of both. They’ve got options and support, whatever your lifestyle.
Website: www.weightwatchers.com
OneLife Suffolk
OneLife Suffolk provides up to 12 months of free adult weight management support, providing you with the tools, advice and guidance needed to improve your lifestyle, achieve your weight loss goals and more importantly sustain the changes made for good.
Telephone: 01473 718 193
Website: www.eatingmatters.org.uk
Email: info@onelifesuffolk.co.uk
Slimming World
You’ll find delicious recipe and menu ideas at your local group, along with all the help you need to get started and reach your target weight.
Website: www.slimmingworld.co.uk